The Tiny Terror Strikes Again

Good To Know

My key lime pie loving cat sits on my desk, his paw precariously perched upon the numbers key.

He waits, knowing his human slave will be running toward the bathroom soon.

When I return, an entire page of my document looks like this:  7777777777777777777777777777777, etc.

He watches as the inconvenient 2-legged opener-of-catfood-cans ingests coffee mixed with a Walmart nutritional supplement.  That, he won’t drink, but he loves to shred the box.

I know — what does that have to do with a key lime pie eating kitty?

Only crumbs were left after he ate half a slice of key lime pie.

He loves Stash Irish breakfast tea with honey, too.

I looked up some of the things cats have been caught eating:

  • Corn on the cob
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Potato Chips
  • Cardboard
  • Tortilla’s
  • Coconut
  • Earplugs

Somehow, his choice of key lime pie doesn’t seem so strange.  As you can see, the Tiny Terror is quite content to sleep after capturing and disposing of my key lime pie:

If you’re wondering why my knee is in the way, it’s to prevent him from falling.  When I’m not at my desk, the office chair is turned toward my Tiny Terror.

That white thing below his extended leg is a pillow on my chair.

I have, in the past, received the brunt of his claws when he falls off his perch.  He can go from soundly sleeping, to clawing and screeching, in a second — and he has no problem grabbing whatever is available.

Usually, that’s my arm…or shoulder…or leg.  The 20 year old office chair is expendable, and my body parts aren’t as easily repaired.

Yes, the Tiny Terror strikes again, if it isn’t an assault against my defenseless pie, it’s my shoulder, leg, or arm,…but most of the time, he captures my heart.

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