Kitten Rescued From Garden Thriving With Mom Cat Who Took Him Under Her Paw

Good To Know

Cobain was just a wee ginger sprout of only 4 or 5 days old when found all alone in a garden. His mom was nowhere to be found and the tiny kitten would soon wither away without help. Thankfully, the purrfect rescuer plucked him from distress.

Tara, founder of The Mad Catters in Perth, Australia, scoured the area where she found the crying kitten, hunting for the rest of his family. Her search revealed the baby was truly alone. But taken into Tara’s foster care, Cobain would never be on his own again.

To have been found alone and so young, Cobain was in good shape. Tara reported he was a hungry kitten, “immediately suckling his formula down like a pro!”

Impound Feline Rescue/Facebook

Catmum Perth/Facebook

And the chowing didn’t stop! In just one day with Tara, Cobain put on 15 grams! But he was never quite satisfied, always staying as close to his foster mom as possible. While so much kitten attention is great, Tara knew her furry friend needed something more.

“Everything is going so well except for one thing… this baby is lonely!”

Catmum Perth/Facebook

Young Kittens Need Furry Family

While most people consider cats to be anti-social creatures, felines are actually quite social and depend on their families in learning ‘how to cat’.

“Kittens need other kittens and their mum for behavioural and social development, and this little guy knows something isn’t quite right.”

To help Cobain find the connection he needed, Tara continued searching for his family. She also put out the word to other fosters and rescues about her little singleton “so that he can have the comfort and perfect nutrition a mother cat offers and the company and friendship that other kittens will bring him.”

It didn’t take long for the small sprout to be transplanted into a furry family of gray and white!

Impound Feline Rescue/Facebook

Finding A Family

Impound Feline Rescue reached out to Tara, sharing the tale of Cinque, a new mama cat who had given birth to a litter of kittens a couple days prior. Since Cobain was only a few days older than Cinque’s litter, “the hope was that Cinque might accept this lil ginger as an extra mouth to feed.”

Impound Feline Rescue/Facebook

Impound Feline Rescue told Love Meow, “To everyone’s delight, little Cobain was quickly accepted into the grey and white gang, and so the litter of five became a litter of six.”

Tara also shared, “Cinque is such a doting mama cat and took to him right away. He will now have siblings and a mother to learn important behavioral and social skills from, as well as the best possible nutrition for growing kittens.”

From a single kitten bloom alone in a garden to part of a whole feline bouquet, Cobain will grow up surrounded by family so when the time comes to go forever home, he will be a well-adjusted kitty with so much love to give!

Catmum Perth/Facebook

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Feature Image: Catmum Perth/Facebook

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