Online Tool Reveals How Much Sleep Pet Owners Have Lost Due To Their Furry Friends

Good To Know

With April being National Pet Month, the team at have created an online tool that allows users to see just how much sleep they’ve lost thanks to their pets.

It’s common knowledge that having a baby causes new parents to lose sleep, but pets are also guilty of keeping us up at night, with cat owners losing around 728 hours of sleep in the first year of owning a feline companion.

‘The Lost Sleep Calculator For Pet Owners’ (, created by the team at, calculates just how much sleep Britons are missing out on when they have pets in their home.

Alongside uncovering the amount of shut-eye missed out on, the calculator also reveals other ways pet owners have spent their time. For example, cat owners change around 730 litter trays in their first year of owning a cat, while rabbit owners clear out their bunny’s hutch around 208 times.

The site also highlights the effects of sleep deprivation on pet owners. One in eight pet owners admit accidentally mixing up their pet’s food with their own, while a quarter have said goodbye to their pet and forgotten about their spouse when leaving in the morning.

Lucy Askew, spokesperson for, commented:

“It’s easy to forget just how much owning a pet can turn your life upside down, and this tool just shows that. We love our pets, and everything that comes with them, but it is slightly worrying to hear that people are accidentally eating pet food!”


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