Mews and Nips: Netflix Releases Trailer for Cat People

Good To Know


Last week, Netflix gave us a first look at the new documentary series Cat People, which will premiere on July 7. According to the description, “Cat People explores our fascinating relationship with cats through the lens of some the most remarkable, and surprising cat people in the world, defying the negative stereotypes of what it means to be a cat person while revealing the fundamental truths of what it means to have deep bonds with these fiercely independent, mysterious creatures.” We were delighted to recognize our friend Samantha Martin and her Amazing Acro-Cats in the trailer!

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, we reflected on priorities, on Monday, we talked about the importance of play therapy, on Tuesday, we explained how the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed makes vet visits easier for cats and vets, on Wednesday, we shared important information about toy safety, on Thursday, we featured adorable cat tea towels, and on Friday, we shared a memory of Ruby and Allegra and the great tunnel adventure.

Have a great weekend!

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