Pet Care | Tips To Keep A Siberia Husky Dog | Puppy Cool In The Summer. BholaShola | Harwinder Singh

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Pet Care is a pet awareness initiative by Harwinder Grewal. Who is a director of Bhola Shola Pet Services and Farm Private Limited. In his videos, you can get deep knowledge about pets in the Hindi Language. He also tells most of the hidden aspects of Dog Business and Pets Business.
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Firstly, and momentously important, do NOT shave your Husky’s fur. SiberianHusky fur keeps them cool in summer, warm in winter and a general defence against everything in between. … You need to acclimate your Husky, so that when they are stuck in the heat it won’t be as much of a shock.
Ensure that your Husky has access to a shelter or shade during the day. If possible, let your dog inside during the hottest parts of the day.
Last summer Logan had a dog sized gazebo outside that provided plenty of shade for the little Husky.
Huskies like to dig themselves little ditches to sleep in during hot weather. This is one of their innate ways to keep themselves cool. Logan has a little ditch down the side of the house, in the shade, where he whiled away the hot days.
Ponds and Pools
Last summer we got Logan a children’s clamshell pool, one half of which we filled with water for Logan to play in. It was quite a cool spot for him in his pool, underneath his little gazebo. However there are a few issues with using little pools like this.
Water saver: If the Husky doesn’t use it for a while then the water can start to stagnate and get dirty. This means that you need to refill it regularly to keep the water clean. If you are in for the long haul, and have some spare money, a better option is to get a little pond installed. There are small ponds that can be picked up at gardening stores that come complete with pumps and filters. This will reduce the frequency that you will need to replace the water.
These pools also look much better than a kiddy pool. Just be sure not to put any fish in it, although your Husky might like that sort of thing
Freezing Fruits
Freezing fruits in water is something that pet owners have been borrowing from zoos for years. It’s a great way to keep pets cool, while giving them something to play with. This involves using an empty ice cream or butter container, filling it with water and freezing an apple in it. This does however, waste a lot of water.
Water saver: One alternative to this is to just freeze the fruit by itself. Putting the frozen fruit in the pool or pond will help to keep the water cool and give the dog something to play with in the water. We did this for Logan and he spent over half an hour pushing the apple under the water and watching it bob back up.
Water saver: This is an obvious one. Huskies to love to wade and dig in water. Rather than setting up sprinklers and waste a lot of water, a trip to the beach is a great alternative.
Be sure to always keep your Husky on a leash when at the beach, regardless of whether it is the law or not. Huskies can generally not be trusted off-leash, especially at the beach.
Brush Regularly
While it is important not to shave or cut your Husky’s fur, be sure that you still brush it regularly. Huskies should start shedding when the hot weather hits, so make sure to regularly brush your Husky to remove any excess fur that would keep them from cooling effectively.
Huskies need a lot of special attention during the hot months but if you keep an eye on them, try to keep them cool, they’ll be fine just fine.
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