Sunday Quotes: Meditation

Good To Know


A regular meditation practice is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I can’t imagine not starting my day with a brief meditation anymore than I can imagine not starting it with a cup of coffee.

I love my morning routine: get up, feed Allegra, sit down with my first cup of coffee with Allegra in my lap, and, once I’ve finished my coffee, meditate. Some mornings, Allegra will stay for the whole routine, other mornings, she’s too busy doing other cat things.

I’ve previously  mentioned the Women’s Meditation Network. and I can’t recommend this resource highly enough.Guided meditations can be hit or miss. I find that if I don’t like the presenter’s voice or the background music, I won’t be able to relax into the meditation. I absolutely love Katie Krimitsos’s soothing voice. After listening to her meditations for the past few months, her voice can almost instantly transport me to a calmer state of mind.

Do you meditate? What helps you keep up with your practice?

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