Mews and Nips: 101-year-old Woman Adopts Oldest Shelter Cat

Good To Know


In Monday’s post about how cats enrich the lives of older adults, we referred to the adoption of a 19-year-old cat by a 101-year-old woman. I applaud the Catawba County  Humane Society to make this adoption possible. Talk about a match made in heaven! In my opinion, far too many rescue groups and shelters won’t adopt to senior citizens, and while I understand that the concern of what happens to the cat if the person becomes ill or dies is valid, I see no reason not to adopt to a senior citizen as long as they have a plan for continued care in place. Visit My Modern Met for more about Penny and Gus.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we shared information about a study of how cats can benefit the elderly, on Tuesday, we featured a beautiful blanket and cat mat combo, on Wednesday, I told you about Allegra’s visit to the dentist, and on Friday we celebrated Sleepypod’s 15th anniversary. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win a Sleepypod Atom carrier!

Saturday morning cartoons, anyone? Enjoy today’s video!

Photo of Penny and Gus courtesy of Catawba County Humane Society, used with permission.

Eusoh Community Pet Health Plan for Cats

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