Happy 8th Birthday Jed the Border Collie

Veterinary medicine news
Today we celebrated Jed the Border Collie’s 8th birthday! Luke has known Jed since he was just a puppy, as his trainer and later here at the farm as a farm dog.

We’ve known Jed for almost all his life and 8 is a big one, so we wanted to do something Jed would like today.

For those that have been following us for a little while would know that Jed is our time keeper. He likes to keep us all in time for the activities schedule and herds us towards the next one when it’s time.

Swiss ball is his favourite activity and so that scheduled activity is his favourite to keep us all on schedule for.

He’s not much of a swimming participant, although he loves to swim. Jed is a herder by nature. He loves to run around the edge of the dam herding the ball in and keeping the pack within his sights.

We made it a little more fun and a bit more of a challenge for Jed with 3 balls in the dam today. There was a little excitement with one of the big balls escaping the dam. We all managed to herd it back in though.

Then it was time for cake. Jed enjoyed his cake but Elle just couldn’t wait any longer than 10 seconds for her piece 🤣🤣 … typical Lab!

Jed had a wonderful birthday, happy happy happy 8th birthday dear Jeddo!

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