Mews and Nips: Cat Daddies Movie Explores the Love Between Men and Their Cats

Good To Know

A new movie explores the love affair between men and their cats. Cat Daddies features the lives of eight cat dads, including an actor/influencer, a truck driver, a school teacher, a firefighter, a software engineer, and a police officer from different parts of the country. The multiple award winning movie will come to theaters soon. For more about the movie, visit the Good News Network.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we observed Memorial Day, on Tuesday, I featured the Zen Garden Litter Box, on Wednesday, we explained what the terms used on pet food labels really mean, on Thursday, we reviewed the Chill Pad cat bed, and on Friday, we offered tips on cat-friendly cleaning.

Today’s video of a begging cat is beyond cute. How could anyone refuse that face? Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Image Pixabay

Triple T Studios

1 Comment on Mews and Nips: Cat Daddies Movie Explores the Love Between Men and Their Cats

  1. My husband didn’t really care about cats when I first met him. But, he sure did turn into a cat daddy pretty quick.

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