Last Ever Day of Daycare

Veterinary medicine news
Yes it is true. I know that headline will shock so many people. Some are going to feel very sad about it, and we understand. We’ve felt sad too. Tears have been shed the last two weeks by Luke whilst he’s been driving the bus each day.

But the future of the farm is still bright and magical. It just feels hard to see it right now when it sounds like goodbye.

But it’s not goodbye.

All the day care doggies will still be able to holiday at the farm whenever they like. Just them. We won’t be open to the public.

AND many of the day care dogs have been chosen to be a part of our therapy pack. A weekly trip to the farm, where these highly social, highly responsive, purely positive, beautiful, incredible dogs will now help us, help the rescue dogs.

This is what we will be focusing on now. The rescue dogs in our care. Those we have now, and more in the future.

They need more from us than what we’ve been able to give and we simply cannot juggle both. It has been a dream of ours for a long time now, a dream that existed before we even started the farm. But the decision was brought forward this last month with significant change in staff and resources. We just couldn’t continue as we were.

But Luke and I are big believers that most things happen for a reason and we feel this is where our hearts lie at this stage in our lives. And also the direction of the farm.

There will be lots of questions. We had a big hour and half Q & A last week behind the scenes and we’ve included a shorter version in today’s video from about 12:20 onwards.

We’re hoping it will help with initial questions. But we would also like to do some more talking videos over the next couple of weeks about our plans and how it will all work.

Some people will feel sad thinking they will no longer get their happy daily video. This isn’t true. There will be lots of happy daily videos continuing. The farm is just moving on to the next adventure or chapter in it’s story. And we certainly want to take you all along with us.

We are actually very excited about the next chapter. Enriching the lives of these dogs that have been literally discarded by humans and society. Swimming lessons, camp outs, beach trips, birthday parties, Easter treat hunts etc. It’s going to be something special.

We’ve been so fortunate to have had so much support thus far with our little farm, we hope to continue to do this together with you all.

Our Members Group on YouTube and our Supporters Group on Facebook are a big part of being able to make this difference to these doggies lives and we’d like to give particular thanks to their support. We are forever grateful.

To our clients, our doggies owners, you are our original supporters. The first to trust us and believe in us by giving us the ultimate gift; entrusting us with the care of your own dog. We cannot thank you enough. You are such an incredible group of kind loving people. Sending us cooked meals often! You are so special to us.

To the dogs, we owe you everything.

And why, it’s now time to give back to the ones without someone in their corner. Now they’ve got a village that stretches across the globe in what was once a tiny dark lonely corner. Well not anymore. The spark has been lit and it’s only going to grow brighter.

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