Review: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Cat

Good To Know

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On Wednesday, I introduced you to Laura Cassiday, who is taking over our Ask the Cat Behaviorist column. Today, I’d like to tell you about Laura’s book, The Complete Guide to Adopting a Cat.

This comprehensive guide covers every aspect of the adoption process, from choosing the right cat for your home and your lifestyle to bringing your new cat home to hopefully preventing, but also dealing with possible behavior and health issues.

Laura covers

  • Choosing the correct cat for your home and lifestyle
  • What to do if you’ve found a stray cat or kittens
  • Becoming a cat foster parent
  • Bringing your new cat home: supplies, safe spaces, and introductions
  • Cat nutrition
  • Grooming and shedding
  • Cat health care
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Playtime and enrichment
  • Senior Cat care

and so much more.


Laura’s writing style is conversational and fun to read, and the book is well laid out and organized. In addition to Laura’s own wealth of knowledge, the book features expert advice from other cat care professionals. And of course, there are lots of wonderful photos of cats!

This is the most comprehensive guide I’ve seen on  the topic of cat adoption. Even if you’ve lived with cats for most of your life, you’ll probably learn a few things that you didn’t know.

The Complete Guide to Adopting a Cat is available from Amazon.


*The Conscious Cat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves. I received this book from the publisher. Receiving the complimentary copy did not influence my review. All reviews on The Conscious Cat will always reflect my honest opinion, or, as the case may be, Allegra’s honest opinion.

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