
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Training is usually a great thing for dogs. It keeps them well-behaved, mentally and physically stimulated, and bonded with their humans. However, too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing. There are several circumstances where over-training your dog can be harmful and even undo all the hard work
(Picture Credit: Christina Reichl Photography/Getty Images) You might consider your dog to be an especially clever and smart creature. But have you ever found yourself wondering how conscious and self-aware your dog is? Are dogs highly sentient? Well, the short answer is maybe. You probably feel like your dog is at least as sentient as
(Picture Credit: SolStock/Getty Images) Congratulations on taking up running with your dog! Canicross, as it’s known to lovers of the sport, is a great activity for dogs of all sizes, from little Jack Russell Terriers to larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Labradors. One of the most important considerations when you decide to take
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Is chewing a destructive behavior? Here’s the simplest answer: Only if your dog is chewing on the wrong thing. So give them something that’s okay to chew. Your dog’s chewing might not just destroy your home and belongings. It could also be dangerous, as many objects present choking hazards, cause gastrointestinal
(Picture Credit: mark atkinson / Getty Images) Gaining a dog’s trust is one of the most important factors in any relationship between a human and a canine. This is especially so if you’re meeting a rescue dog who might have been mistreated before, or one who hasn’t been correctly socialized. But by using tips like
(Picture Credit: khamlaksana/Getty Images) This year marks the 51st anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s first small step on the surface of the moon, leaving the first human footprints on some place other than our home planet. But that big, glowing rock in the sky is just as perplexing as ever for our canine friends. Howl At
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Believe it or not, our canine companions get stressed. The circumstances and degrees of this can vary from dog to dog since no two are exactly alike, but it’s still something all dog parents must be wary of. Also, like humans, dogs can show their stress in different ways. To be
(PICTURE CREDIT: GETTY IMAGES) There are few things in life that are more fun and rewarding than bringing a dog into your family. Your dog will offer your family years of love and loyalty — as long as you provide him with food, shelter, responsible care, and love in return. With these 10 basic care