
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) There are lots of special products on the market, but this simple home remedy, developed by chemists, should do the trick. It works by chemically neutralizing the compounds in skunk spray that smell so bad. Combine all the ingredients in an open bowl or bucket and start rubbing the mixture into
There are so many products on the market today and while some work better than others, I personally prefer a natural remedy for the protection of my dogs and young children. My Greyhounds, Shiraz (6) and Buffett (11), have had their share of accidents in the home. We had a friend’s dog over recently and
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) While it’s always a wonderful treat to have fresh fruits and veggies available, it’s important to note that gardens and gardening can be veritable hazards for those who live with dogs. Chemicals, sharp tools, and even plants, themselves, can can quickly cause an emergency for dogs. The last thing you want
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock) Some household cleaning products are loaded with chemicals, and can be harmful to your pet after prolonged exposure. Today, rates of canine cancer are increasing, following the same trend of rates of human cancers, which has caused researchers to look more closely at a shared environmental pathogenesis. We are not immune to
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Everybody poops. That’s just a fact. But not everybody has a habit of giving digested food another round through the body. Eating poop is actually not all that uncommon among dogs. It’s called coprophagia, and it’s generally a natural behavior with a few different causes. So why is your dog eating
(Picture Credit: Maya Karkalicheva/Getty Images) The more you can be around for your puppy to take them in and out for bathroom breaks, the more quickly they’ll pick up on their housetraining. But what if you can’t be there during the day? Or you’ve got a young puppy still vulnerable to catching diseases in public places
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Fleas are a nuisance to both humans and animals. While there are many great products available to manage fleas on your pet, killing and preventing them in your home, carpet, and furnishings can be more difficult. Chemical solutions are not only toxic to fleas, but inconvenient to use and potentially dangerous
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock) Dogs do plenty of cute things, but there are few behaviors more adorable than the head tilt. I make plenty of strange noises around my pups just to see if they’ll tilt their heads to the side in a quizzical look of confusion. Sometimes new toys and games can get dogs to
(Picture Credit: Krista Kumpf) Do you want a dog who’s friendly and trustworthy around both people and other dogs? You might think all you need to do is adopt the right breed, and your job is done. But how you care for your canine–and socialization training in particular–plays a big role in how they respond
(Picture Credit: Grant Faint/Getty Images) Does your dog lean on you? Most dog parents have experienced a pooch leaning on their legs at least once in their lives. Your dog simply sits or stands next to you and casually leans the bulk of their weight against your calf. Or maybe they flop over on you