Good To Know

Constipation is defined as infrequent or difficult defecation of hard, dry feces, with retention of stool in the colon and/or rectum. It is an occasional, harmless problem in most cats. Repeated bouts of constipation, however, is an abnormal finding and, left untreated, constipation can progress, with sometimes dire consequences. What can cause it There are
As a fan of cats and art (and Benedict Cumberbatch), I was so excited to hear about this movie. And it didn’t disappoint. Available on Amazon Prime, The Electrical Life of Louis Wain moves from the late 1800s through the 1930s, following the incredible adventures of the artist. Known as “a man who drew cats,”
There are more cats than dogs in the United States according to American Pet Products Association: 94 million cats and 90 million dogs. Cats rule for many reasons, including ease of care. Got cat? There’s lots you don’t need to deal with. Here are 12 examples: Great for Couch Potatoes Of course, dogs love to
Cats and dogs are animals with “three legs and a spare,” as Dr. Beth Galles and other veterinarians often say when encountering a tripod pet. But still, there are some kitties with special conditions — like severe obesity, arthritis or other mobility issues — who may struggle to walk well on just three limbs. That’s
How to keep furry friends warm and safe during the colder months During winter, it’s not only important to take extra care of ourselves by wrapping up warm as temperatures plummet, but also ensure we do the same for our four-legged friends, too. “Winter can bring its challenges especially for the fine coated, young, sick
Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! The easiest way to enter is by sending them in via Or just leave a comment with a link to the post / photo you’d like us to use on this blog post. Meet Georgie. This photo was taken by Kathy at the Roice-Hurst Humane Society
The Cat With Twenty Toes is an illustrated children’s book featuring a polydactyl cat named Sookie. The author uses Sookie as a metaphor to celebrate the physical differences among all living creatures. Colorful illustrations and a rhyming verse make this book a fun and lighthearted way to introduce the concept of diversity to young children.
There are lots of fun ways to get creative and help cats in need. And there’s no better time than the holiday season when people are thinking of others and being generous. To kickstart your imagination, check out these 12 Days of Fundraising ideas to boost the coffers of your favorite shelter or rescue. Start
After a long day working, I grab an iced tea and head to my sofa to unwind. My tripod kitty, Smoochy, sees me, and the race is on! Even on three legs, she is lightning fast. Who will get to the sofa first? Smoochy will, of course. Then we spend the next few minutes trying
The following entry in Purrsday Poetry has been submitted by: Carol Rafale Tavares LidoAlbiza The Lion Doesn’t Sleep TonightWell, there’s that 3 O’clock jitterbugacross the floorTour jete and wild balletIndecipherable games that you play Then at 6:30 AM you’re back againgolden teapot screamingCutting into my deep sweet dreamingLacerate the pillowcaseAnd pound relentlessly at my face
A cat’s sense of hearing is more sensitive than that of humans. Cats’ ears can rotate up to 180 degrees, which allows them to locate and identify even the faintest noise. In a healthy cat, ears are generally “self-cleaning,” but regular monitoring can help prevent problems that may interfere with hearing or health. Caring for
What if your cat develops an allergy to a specific food or to something in his environment, such as pollen. Or, may start battling a disease, such as diabetes or kidney disease. Or, he may be stressed and his digestive system is being pummeled. Unfortunately, your cat isn’t able to notify you about a specific
I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, I set intentions for the year instead. I’ve found that it’s a more powerful way to go about making permanent changes in your life, and intentions tend to “stick” better than resolutions, at least for me. I do love the blank slate a new year offers
Hi everyone, We can’t believe that yet another new year is upon us now! Lots has been happening for us in 2021 and we hope that 2022 will be even more exciting for us and all of you following our cat blog. 2021 in Review: We have had the largest amount of readers ever across