Good To Know

Through Summer 2023: Cats! An Exploration of the Felines That Occupy Every Aspect of Our Lives This speCATular exhibition is all about felines and the way they have influenced our homes, our art and our culture. Come explore the countless ways in which cats inhabit our everyday lives. Takes place at Roberson Museum and Science
Media release from Cats Protection’s PAWS PROTECT  New research shows scale of abuse against animals in domestic abuse cases In this research, 88%1 of households involved in domestic abuse, animals were also abused by the perpetrator In over 1 in 10 (12%)2 of households researched, animals were brutally killed by perpetrators to punish, frighten and entrap Where
Many years ago, when I was doing my residency in small animal internal medicine, I had a conversation over lunch with one of the small animal surgery residents. I asked him how he was holding up during his grueling course of study “Well, I think I discovered the three rules to surviving this surgery residency,”
Merry Christmas from Allegra and IngridMay your day be filled with peace, love and purrs Tags: Christmas 2 Comments on Merry Christmas And a Merry Christmas to you and your darling Allegra too Ingrid. I enjoy reading your posts, and seeing pics and videos of all your lovely girls. I am very sad today, as
Melissa L. Kauffman Covering the pet world for more than 25 years, Melissa L. Kauffman has been an editor/writer for a wide variety of pet magazines and websites from the small critters to parrots to cats and dogs. Her advisory team of rescued pets — dogs Tampa Bay and Justice and parrots Deacon and Pi-Pi — help keep her on
Brushing is not only a great way to keep your cat’s coat and skin healthy, it’s also a wonderful way for you to spend quality time with your cat – if your cat enjoys being groomed. For cats who don’t like being brushed but enjoy being petted, a grooming glove may be the purrfect solution.
Anyone who’s adopted a cat has inevitably made up a goofy ditty about their beloved kitty at some point — and it seems that musicians and pop stars are just as willing to let feline muses inspire their songs. Here’s a spotlight on seven tracks written about cats that are prime for your next playlist.
Remember the story of Juno the Klepto Kat from Carpinteria, renown for cleaning up her neighborhood, running for honorary mayor, collaborating on found art piece titled “Gathered Things,” winning the People’s Choice Award at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, featured multiple times on KEYT News, in print and online publications & making the news
The holidays are upon us, and I asked my cat, Stella, about caroling. She was in a mood. If she hasn’t apologized by the end, please accept my heartfelt one at the beginning. Hey Stella, are you ready for all the holiday carolers to drop by this year? Again? What are we, doctors? Don’t humans
Annie Butler Shirreffs Annie Butler Shirreffs has worked in the pet industry for 20 years and is currently the senior editor of Catster and Dogster magazines. A cat lover since she was a little girl, she has always had feline friends in her life. She and her husband share their Southern California home with their
Hi everyone, When my human got home the other day I decided that his lap was certainly comfier than some of my cat caves and beds. 😀 Yes? Sorry you are not allowed to move for the next hour or two! Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief Advertisements The full range
This post contains affiliate links* Losing a beloved cat is devastating. While there are commonalities in how we mourn, grief is a very individual experience, and no two people will deal with loss in exactly the same way. But there are some things that can help ease the pain of loss. Finding ways to memorialize
You may associate purring with feelings of happiness. It can be the ultimate sound of acceptance — that your attention and affection are cherished and appreciated. When you’re petting your cat, brushing her or offering a favorite treat, contentment is likely what your cat is communicating. But cats purr for other reasons. What are frequencies?
Three-month-old kitten was abandoned in a McDonald’s toilet A kitten was abandoned in the toilet of a McDonald’s restaurant in London with his tail missing, believed to have been ‘cut off’. The three-month-old tabby was found by the cleaner at South Harrow McDonald’s on the morning of Halloween (Sunday 31 October) in the toilets of
A Guardian journalist and mom of three-year-old Larry and six-month old Kedi set out to gain a deeper understanding of what makes her cats happy. She consulted with various experts, and wrote an article titled The inner lives of cats: what our feline friends really think about hugs, happiness and humans. “Over the course of