Good To Know

When we think of fears and phobias, we mostly think about ourselves or dogs, but don’t leave cats out of the mix. “Cats often deal with fears or phobias very differently than we do or than dogs, so their fears and phobias often go underappreciated,” says Dr. Meghan Herron, veterinary behaviorist and a co-editor of
Taking your cat on a short trip to the vet or on an extended family vacation? Cats can become stressed when traveling, as the new sights, sounds and smells can be frightening. An outgoing cat who loves adventures and meeting people is an ideal candidate for extended travel like a vacation. However, if car rides
You’ve brought your new cat home, and she promptly hides under the bed or behind the dresser, only venturing out to eat or use the litter box once everyone has gone to bed. The problem is, if you leave that shy cat to her own devices, she’ll probably stay that way and won’t bond with
Hi everyone, Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Floridaborne. My heart, wrapped in love, finds solace in your beauty. The laundry can wait. Floridaborne from TWO ON A RANT. If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email Advertisements
This post is sponsored by Darwin’s Natural Pet Products* Embraced for decades by holistically oriented pet parents and holistic veterinarians, raw feeding is becoming more and more mainstream as cat parents look for alternatives to feeding highly processed commercial pet foods. I’ve been feeding raw for the past ten years, and have seen my cats thrive
In the fall of 2020, a thousand animals were rushed to the University of California Davis Veterinary Hospital, thanks to a wildfire in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California. A 2-year-old tabby named Ash arrived with third-degree burns, singed whiskers and fused toes. For six months, he fought for his life: enduring skin grafts,
Cats are living longer than ever. When I began my veterinary career, a 20-year-old cat was a rarity. Now, I see at least a dozen every year. It’s wonderful that we get to spend additional years with our beloved companions, but increased longevity is a double-edged sword. A longer life span also means more time
Cats talk. They don’t talk to each other much, but they do talk to us. It’s an interesting dynamic that tells us a lot about what they learn about humans when they live with them. Now, I don’t know about you, but I talk to mine as though they were humans. Full sentences, nicknames, what
Although I’ve had indoor-only cats for my entire adult life, I grew up with several outdoor cats who earned their weight in paper currency as “working” cats on my parents’ farm. Although these cats were friendly toward humans, I think they would have climbed the curtains if we tried to keep them indoors. But they
Here’s the skinny on feline skin health: The skin owns bragging rights as your cat’s largest organ, with the liver coming in a distant second. In fact, the skin can represent one-fifth of your cat’s body weight. Cats rely on their skin and coat to perform many duties: regulating body temperature, shielding against foreign substances
Who doesn’t love a cool tech tool, especially one that helps you get your beloved lost pet back? And we certainly love this one. National nonprofit Petco Love (formerly the Petco Foundation) has come out with a new searchable database that actually uses facial recognition technology to reunite families with lost pets. Approximately 1,000 city
Lately, I’ve been feeling frustrated a lot more frequently than I like to be, and it’s all because of the seemingly never ending pandemic. I’m frustrated that so many people seem to care so little about how their actions affect everyone else. I’m frustrated with people  who refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks,
What do our cats really need to eat in order to meet their nutritional needs? Chef Bobby Flay believes he has the answer. But what does a gourmet chef know about cat food and feline nutrition? As it turns out, he knows quite a lot. A lifelong cat lover and super cat dad, Bobby Flay