Good To Know

Hi everyone, Please find below a story by Retro Dee: When my cat Chelsea died, I really didn’t want another cat. For what cat could possibly compare to my very best friend of 19 years? So I figured, I could just look at pictures of cats and read about cats and live vicariously through other
Choosing a healthy cat food can feel overwhelming, especially when you look at the sea of brands, formulations and flavors. Before choosing a food, first identify your cat’s life stage. “Cats have different nutritional needs depending on where they are in their stage of growth and life cycle,” says Johnna Devereaux, clinical pet nutritionist and
Her fur was white with gray spots.As children,we called her Wanda the Witch.The name became part of her character. She stalked around the house,nipped at bare ankles,peed on Dad’s favorite love seat,pulled dirty socks out of the washer,circled them, meowing. When she was born,We thought she had two brothers.Howard and James turned out to be
This giveaway is sponsored by Supakit While there is no question that indoor cats live longer and healthier lives, if you feel strongly that your cat should have access to the outdoors, there are safe ways to provide this. Leash training is one way to allow cats to safely enjoy being outside. For some cats,
Even when you’ve lived with them for years, cat behavior can be weird, and sudden changes are frustrating. It may seem like your misbehaving cat wants to ruin your life, but she might actually be telling you that something is wrong. Here are five things that might be happening with a cat acting weird. Is your
This is a sponsored post and contains affiliate links* EUSOH is a community health sharing plan that reimburses pet parents for veterinary expenses. Unlike traditional pet insurance, pet parents join groups and fund each other’s veterinary costs. I’m a firm proponent of pet insurance. For me, the bottom line is that if you can’t afford
If you’re a first-time cat owner, “How much should I feed my cat?” is likely to be one of your first questions when you bring your cat home. Even if you’ve owned cats for years, you may sometimes wonder whether your cats are getting too little food or too much. Let’s go through a few
This post contains affiliate links* A growing body of research shows that mindfulness reduces stress, increases focus and cognitive flexibility, makes us less emotionally reactive, increases empathy and compassion and just generally makes us happier. In Mindfulness for Cat Lovers, Carole Bosanko, a clinical psychologist who has worked with the National Health Service for over
Epilepsy affects millions of people around the world, but it can also affect our pets too. Knowing what symptoms to look out for is key, so PDSA vet nurse Nina Downing has put together useful tips for pet owners. “It can be very upsetting if your pet unexpectedly has a seizure, but it’s important to
It’s a quiet night, and you’re watching TV or reading at the end of a stressful workday. All of the sudden, your cat bolts across the room as if she’s chasing some imaginary prey, running back and forth, and sometimes even running over you! Your usually quiet kitty then spends the next several minutes racing
Whilst compulsory dog microchipping has been enshrined in UK law since 2016, there is currently no equivalent legislation covering the microchipping of cats – despite animal welfare charities and organisations including Mayhew unanimously backing such a move. Microchipping owned animals has multiple benefits for the owner, the pet itself and rehoming organisations; including but not
I thought today’s quote by John Lennon fits in nicely with our recent theme of hope. If you need a little extra help, I encourage you to try a new meditation from the Women’s Meditation Network, Everything is Going to be Okay. It’s less than 10 minutes long, and it will help you connect with