Good To Know

Finding stillness in the middle of all the chaos in our world is challenging, and it’s never been more difficult than during these last months. I believe that learning to be still, returning to our center, that place inside that settles our fears and calms emotions, is a vital survival skill at all times, but
Although we’ve had to put a pause on outpatient clinics this year, our vets and animal care staff are still hard at work behind the scenes; helping cats and dogs on the streets and in our shelter. Recently we were called out to assist six-year-old Blue, a stray tabby who suddenly found herself with a
A therapist friend of mine often says “just another flipping growth experience!” when life throws challenges at her. Well, she uses a different “f” word, but you get the idea. Her words always pop into my mind when things get tough – and as far as tough goes, this year wins hands down over any
My friends have heard me complain about my spouse’s loud snoring. A snoring cat, however, has never bothered me. My beloved cat Crispy, who died in 2017, was a notorious snorer. I found her rhythmic respiratory sounds soothing and reassuring. If the environmental sound generator on my nightstand had a “Crispy Snoring” setting, I would
I’ve always loved Clement Clarke Moore’s poem The Night Before Christmas. Over the years, there have been many cat versions of the poem out there, but none better than the one dictated to Harry Shubin by the Ghost of Catmas Future on a dark winter night. T’was the night after the adoption event,And all through the