Good To Know

This post contains affiliate links* I don’t keep track of the number of books I read each year, but my best guess is somewhere between 150 and 200, and at least half of them have something to do with cats. I review books here on The Conscious Cat on a regular basis . I made a commitment
With the holidays upon us, I asked my cat, Stella, what she thinks of carolers. It went about as expected. Hey Stella, what do you think about caroling?Is that when the neighbors attack us? They don’t attack us, Stella.Waltzing up the front walk, howling and screeching, displaying TEETH — that’s apex-predator behavior right there. That’s
Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. We have setup a Katzenworld Forum and would like to encourage everyone to make their entries for Tummy Rub Tuesday on our dedicated
PDSA appeals for support to help keep pets and their owners together Millions of people in the UK may be completely reliant on their pets for companionship this Christmas, according to research from vet charity PDSA. Off the back of findings from the annual PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report, PDSA is warning that the financial impact of the
When I found Brutus he had severe burns to all four of his feet, along with his ears and tail. He had spent 26 days on his own following the 2017 Tubbs Wildfire in Sonoma County, California. Brutus and his sister, Cleo, whom I rescued 10 days later, were adopted by a close friend when
This post contains affiliate links* In my ongoing quest to spruce up my home with small things that make me happy, I found this adorable ironing board cover. Even though I don’t iron a whole lot, I do use my ironing board frequently on laundry day to dry items that need to lay flat –
One kitten or two, adult or senior? While it’s tempting to pick the one that is the cutest, looks should not be the only factor. A cat’s behavior needs to fit your family’s lifestyle. What’s the right age for the perfect cat for your family? Kittens find homes quickly through shelters, rescues and breeders. But
This post contains affiliate links* Sometimes, the simplest looking toys are the ones that your cats will love the most. That is certainly the case for Allegra when it comes to Dezi & Roo’s Little Puffs. Dezi & Roo was created by our resident veterinarian, Dr. Lynn Bahr, who authors our monthly Ask the Cat Doc
Your barn cats may not come into your home, but they’re in your heart and part of your family. When the temperatures dip, you want to ensure these kitties have everything they need. Because of the way cats have evolved, they often need a little extra TLC in the winter. “Cats evolved from desert-dwelling ancestors,”
As this crazy year comes to a close, we’re finding ourselves in the middle of a holiday season that is anything but normal. And yet, I believe it’s important that we do whatever we can to make this season meaningful. I admit, I’m struggling. So many of my favorite holiday traditions are either canceled or
The goal of Swedish startup Animalist is simple: Make beautiful art for pets and their humans. Co-founder Jan Van Helleputte says that they want to “celebrate the beauty and joy our four-legged companions bring us through modern and personalized art inspired by Scandinavian minimalism.” With just a few simple steps, you can create a personalized
Welcome to Hungry Bark where we care that between you and us, we provide better lives for dogs and their humans. We know how important your beloved “hairy” are to you and at Hungry Bark we offer you personalized super premium meal plans, supplements and combinations filled with ingredients of nutrient-dense superfoods, beneficial vitamin supplements