Good To Know

Cats are noble beings exalted above us all and they seem to know this fact well. As cat lovers, we can’t help but agree! And we also believe our kitty darlings deserve crowns to celebrate their royal status. So, let’s get crafty and make your cat the crown she deserves. You won’t need much more
I recently came across these gorgeous handcrafted flying cats on Etsy. Don’t they look just like torties? The cats are hand carved and painted by Balinese artisans. The story behind these magical winged cats is wonderful. The myth of these Winged Spirit Guardians goes back to ancient Majapahit Mythology in the 13th through 16th century.
Adventure travel cats are all the rage, according to the kitties I see on Instagram. I wondered if Stella would like to join their ranks. I probably shouldn’t have. Stella, I’m curious. What’s your opinion about adventure travel?I ADORE it. I’ve always fashioned myself a sailor, you know. I didn’t know that.Ever since I was
This post contains affiliate links* We’ve all been stressed and anxious for a very long time, and we just made it through what was arguably one of the most exhausting weeks in US history. We’ll need to remember to be kind to each other in the coming days and weeks and months, because despite our
It’s no secret Britons love their cats, and a recent study reveals what British city takes the top honor of home to the most cat lovers in Britain. But, that’s not all we’ve learned from a survey of 2,000 Britons regarding cats. Thanks to the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes, we’re learning more and
Although cats can learn anything dogs can, the secret to training cats is tailoring lessons to their specific learning style. Try these tips: 1. Find what motivates your cat. Food rewards must be something your cat goes crazy for. “Cats are more dainty eaters, and more discerning about what they eat,” says Terri A. Derr,
Hi everyone, Please find below a guest story by Martha about Trebuchet & Blitz: Are the oldest (10) and youngest (1.5) cats in the household. He was adopted from a shelter at age 5 months. My friend found her in his rural yard as a tiny baby, fed her until she and her sister could
There’s no gentle way to put it, as it’s the truth: Declaw IS an amputation. No matter what type of technique is used (scalpel, clipper or laser) the end result is identical. It’s what world-renowned expert on declawing and the Paw Project Director of Pain Management, Dr. Robin Downing, calls a feline toe amputation. And
Allegra and I would like to wish you and your kitties a safe and happy Halloween! This Halloween will be very different from anything we’ve ever experienced before, but I promised Allegra that she’d have some treats in her little bag at the end of the day. And even though there may not be trick